Monday, August 31, 2015

The Avalon

After no rain since June the heavens have opened up for the day. A much needed relief as so much of Oregon and Washington have been devastated by fire. The rain did hold off enough for an afternoon trip to Clatskanie, MeMa's home town. From 1951 to 1971 MeMa's parents owned and operated the "Avalon Theatre" and in a town with only one traffic light that was pretty much the hot spot of the town. One could take a break between movies and go have a bite at Humps Restaurant which is still in operation today.

After the Avalon closed several developers purchased over the years but none were successful and the old building soon became an eyesore.

 A few years ago the City purchased the old building and turned it into the Clatskanie Cultural Center and reopened the old theater as the Birkenfeld Theater........ when big money is donated that is who you name it after. As a thank you for folks that donated they held a special opening night event. 

As a young girl MeMa spent many nights working in the ticket booth or selling candy and popcorn.

Her mother Lela used to patrol the seats with her flashlight in hand and any trouble maker would receive a bonk on the back of the head.
MeMa sitting in her seat

In memory of her parents and an important time of her life, not to be forgotten.

 "Dale & Lela Johnson Avalon Theatre"

Along with the theatre the upstairs houses City Hall, judges chambers and the old ballroom has been completely renovated with a kitchen and bathrooms added for local events.


  1. Good to see old places restored to their former glory; it looks pretty well done too. Those cinema seats are very chic.

    1. The original seats were removed by one of the previous owners, these came from another ancient theater but yes the restoration was very well done. When the original seats were removed the contractor gave us a row that we restored and have them installed in our home theater.

  2. Its nice to see the old building being put to good use once again.

  3. It's lovely to see old buildings restored & put to use again x

    1. Thanks Jo, we are thrilled with the outcome, so much family history there.

  4. How lovely to have a part of Mema's past brought back to life in such style - the seats do look grand.

    1. For a one horse town we are thrilled that they didn’t just knock it down, it truly is the bright spot in the town.

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog and for commenting on my red schyzostyllus (can't be sure of the spelling) - wish we lived near enough to swap a bit of your pink for a bit of my red.
    Sounds a lovely little town. - the farmer and I used to visit the States every year when we were a little younger and we passed through so very many small, attractive towns - all of which were so full of character.

    I shall put your blog on my side bar so that I can visit again.
