Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Pride In His Work

Our youngest son Ian works for Oregon Memorial, one of about eight people in the nation who are proficient at laser engraving on memorials and monuments. Glass art is another aspect of the job as well, where every color of the rainbow can be added to the memorial giving those left behind a stunning memory of a loved one who has passed. 
We have always been very proud of our two sons as I am sure most parent are, but one thing that always strikes me proud is their old fashioned work ethic. Strong work ethics in today's youth is sorely lacking. I will get off my soap box here because that is not the idea of this post.
Ian climbed quickly in the company not just because of his work ethic but mostly because of his artistry. He was given some of the most prestigious jobs and a crew to go with it. MeMa and I decided we would take advantage of an open day and head out to see some of the work our son did. First stop was Springfield and the Vietnam Memorial the city commissioned.
Vietnam Memorial -  Springfield Oregon
Click on the photo to enlarge, the detail of the soldier is amazing, as though he is standing in front of you

Glass art
Our next stop was the state capital, Salem and the World War II Memorial.
World War II War Memorial

Oregon State Capital building
The Cherry trees are stunning at this time of year
A beautiful day out with my love.
Our last stop was Silverton and a small city park dedicated to the citizens of Silverton who gave their lives during the Wars.
Silverton War Memorial

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Road Trip - Day Four Sliding Into Five

Day four was for the most part, spent preparing for our return to Portland and taking my brother in to see his primary doctor. Later my father treated everyone to a wonderful meal at Blue Water Grill.
Very scrumptious seafood
 Day five started out early after saying goodbye to my brother Don and saintly family friend Don G. who has been taking care of everything while my brother has been ill. We could not have left for Portland if it were not for our confidence in his management of the whole situation. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Don.

Right after this thank you my computer decided it had enough and just quit working the rest of the trip. I was unable to comment on any blogs I follow as well as completing any posts. We are home now and life for the most has returned to normal except for this miserable chest cold that I brought back to Portland with me and promptly shared with MeMa.......sorry, love.

When we left Arizona we left blue sky and a desert that had not dried out yet from 100+ temps. So as you can see there is still green in them thar hills.
Joshua tree - Yucca brevifolia
Believe me there is no shortage of these odd looking trees
After traveling many miles, we felt we needed to treat ourselves at some of the local Casinos
MeMa made me promise we would not eat at the boring and unhealthy chain restaraunts so.....Zingos is not a chain or fast food establishment. The food was surprisingly good. 
With record rainfall in California the hills that are normally golden brown are as green as any hill in Oregon

We quickly went from blue sky and dry pavement to heavy snow and very little pavement.
I truly enjoyed my trip, sadly unable to spend quality time with my twin brother but happy to have been able to spend some time alone on the road with my father. Thanks Dad for always being ready to travel that next roadway.