Monday, August 7, 2017

MeMa's Retirement Party

Parties at Menagerie Manor require MeMa's talent in flower selection and design.

Beds received fresh black compost after being meticulously weeded

I prayed to the garden gods that MeMa's favorite agapanthus would hold their blooms for the party

They did and they tossed in my favorites, hydrangeas. 

I can't have too many, my entire collection were all started from cuttings. And they put on a radiant display.

I broke my promise of not buying any more plants but couldn't pass on this new variety of lambs ears.

Plants tumbled out of the greenhouse into the many pots and containers waiting for their moment to add to the festivities. 

So many pots 

So so many 

Banners to be hung.

Color in every corner.

All the work finished, the party girl grabs a few moments to herself......

....guess she meant it.

The caterer arrived about ten minutes before the first guest arrived 

MeMa made the first cut 

"Her is to slow" according to little Lucy, so the duty was transferred to quicker hands.

Taeya approved cake

Eldest granddaughter Aungelle and my gathering of carnivorous plants sat and caught flies.


  1. So glad to hear from you Doc. Your garden looks especially beautiful. You have two green thumbs. Your wife must be especially loved. I had to laugh at your last picture.

    1. Thanks Donna, it was a lot work but worth the fun.

  2. Great final picture. So much work, and so beautiful.

    1. Joanne, my granddaughter didn't think it was a great picture but what does she know.

  3. Everything looks so wonderful. Congratulations, again!
    God bless.
