Tuesday, May 24, 2022

May Garden Upgrades

The planning for my late wife Marjie's Celebration of Life is involving some changes at Menagerie Manor. These changes involve some hard work and with myself being fairly crippled up with bad hips most of the hard work has been undertaken by my son Ian and his wife and her parents. 

Several weeks ago they poured cement pier blocks for the large Gazebo that I purchased. Which replaces the massive arbor that held our old Wisteria, now removed.

It will have a metal domed roof on it but that will have to happen later as my son is now suffering a painful back after lifting the heavy timbers and getting everything bolted into place.
The gardens have been made weed free and Marjies beautiful collection of peonies are starting to bloom.                                                                                                                                          
I probably planted to many seed trays of Zinnias but being over zealous has its benefits, the extra pots of zinnias will be laid out for guests to take and plant in their gardens in her honor.  

As of yesterday all of MeMa's / Marjies dahlias have pushed through the soil
Her Kitchen window box has been planted up

The Yuma Garden has returned along with a small collection of historical pelargoniums

Since it is just me here now I did away with the Kitchen Garden saving a small strip for a row of new dahlias and some giant zinnias

My pots of seed potatoes are growing well against the warm wall of the Garden Shed

'Holden Clough' was MeMa's favorite Iris, they truly are a gem in the garden

Had this metal sign made dedicating our labor of love to my one true love.


  1. Your garden is coming on well. Glad you have the help of your son, daughter-in-law and her parents. Love the new sign.

  2. You commemorate your beloved wife in such a special and beautiful way.

  3. It's looking good! MeMa would be proud. I like the timber frame very much.

  4. This is wonderful! Hope the construction will be easier on Ian.

  5. Everything is so beautiful! MeMa would be so happy and proud. What a wonderful way to remember her. ❤️
