Friday, September 21, 2018

Fall? No Thanks.

Retirement is a big job! It has been tough to find time to just sit and do nothing or to sit and read or even blog. I really enjoy the summer and am truly not ready for fall, but the garden is telling me that fall is coming regardless of this old gardener love of sunshine. I was out pulling a few weeds and noticed the Japanese anemones are starting to bloom, a sure sign of change. 

The kitchen garden is in its final glory, with a nice crop of beans to be picked and packed into the freezer. Three more heads of red cabbage and four butternut squash will close down the garden for the year.  

This window box is in denial and like this old gardener screams, “Give me more summer!” But most chores now are around the house instead of in the garden.


 The front porch was a week long project that required sanding the majority of it down to raw wood.

MeMa loved the new look and that’s all that matters.


  1. Oh my gosh, the porch is beautiful! You are a wonder Doc. And what a gorgeous window box. I'd hate to let that go. I'm not crazy about fall (I do love it) as I know what is coming after it. A long, cold winter. Ugh.

  2. It's surely some variety of autumn all over this land. Your porch is beautiful!

  3. Love that window box and the new look of the front porch. We often wonder how we had time to go to work. There is so much to do.

  4. I hear that so often about retirement - And I'm glad it's keeping you busy doing things like that front porch floor, I love it!

    The summer did pass all too quickly, and like you, our fall projects need to get started.

    1. I asked my wife if my “list” was done and she gave me a new one.

  5. I LOVE the window box flowers! That's awfully pretty, I hope they continue to bloom for you for as long as possible! :)

    What a great skill to have, being able to redo floors like that. The gift of time to do it is a major benefit of retirement!

    1. Thanks Jennifer, the nights are starting to get cold. It won’t be long and I will have dig the window box planting’s out.

  6. That porch looks pretty nifty! Well done!.

  7. The porch is gorgeous, Doc! Glad you are all doing well. God bless.
