Saturday, August 15, 2020

August Update


MeMa's journey with chemotherapy expectedly has its ups and downs. This week she has been feeling fairly well and more importantly eating small but decent meals. Neighbors and friends have brought meals and helped when we needed anything. The 27th of this month she has her third infusion and then they will do a CT scan and determine whether surgery can be performed, we are confident! She has lost thirty pounds and sadly has lost most of her hair. Her hairdresser is graciously coming to our home next Monday to remove the last of it. MeMa has a hatred for wigs so has purchased some very nice wraps. 
Tuesday of this next week I go in for a procedure that has to be done in surgery. Just to add more stress to our already stressed life. 
Today it will heat up to 100 degrees so I got up early and soaked the gardens in preparation of the heat.
We have not had any measurable rain for quite some while, but the gardens are looking beautiful.

My beautiful collection of Hydrangeas have been stunning as usual, the colors are quite radiant. But I fear with todays heat those colors will soon be toast.

The Mandavilla has climbed to well over eight feet and the red flowers are almost blinding, they are so intense.

I will probably die a slow and painful death for posting this photo but the pout she has going needed posting. Obviously MeMa is not doing well with the game she is playing with one of her regular competitors. I will spare you the words of wit that followed shortly.

I swear, this dog can sleep through most everything.

The gate leading to the kitchen garden. The gate will stay but the kitchen garden will soon be removed and a new salt water hot tub will be installed, well there is quite a bit of prep work to be completed first. Actually we have been informed that there is such a demand for hot tubs that we will go on a waiting list and it could be January or February before we actually get it.

Japanese Iris "Fortune"

MeMa's latest "Porch Post" for the dog walkers and passers-by.


  1. Thank you for the update. It is good to hear that MeMa is doing well this week and I hope it goes well for her next infusion. I don't blame her not wanting a wig with your summer weather. It is sod's law that you have a medical procedure at this time and I hope it goes well.

    Your garden looks wonderful. Not sure what your weather will be like in Jan/Feb for your new Hot Tub (I know it gets bad where you have your cabin).

    Sending hugs and good vibes from New Zealand.

    1. Thanks Susan, the cabin gets lots of snow and bad weather because of the high elevation. Portland is pretty low so with a robe one could make the short walk from the house to the tub which will be under some sort of cover.

  2. Praying for you all, Doc. God bless.

  3. Your flowers are indeed stunning. This year I have the best red mandevilla I've ever had.
    I pray all goes well and better, for MeMa and you.

  4. Thanks Joanne, I posted that photo just for you. I remember your previous posts about your love of mandevillas.

  5. Dear Doc, I've just caught up on your posts and am so sad to learn of MeMa's cancer and the side effects of her treatment. I hope that everything will go well, I think the two photos of her are lovely. One of my friends is in the same situation and because of Covid restrictions I'm unable to visit. Instead I send her a poem every Monday morning so that she knows that I'm thinking of her. Now I'm sending you and MeMa my very best wishes that treatment will give you both a healthy future.

    1. Thank you Rosemary, we are confident that things will return to normal soon.
