Without mincing words, last year was a shitty year...sorry but it was the worst we have had in many. Independence day came and went, we turned the music up to help drown out all the illegal fireworks. It seemed to work for the dogs as when we came back they all seemed like they handled it well.
"Little Terrorist #3" Lucy |
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my mother's death so MeMa made up a lovely bouquet from the garden and we took them up to pay our respects.
We both are a bit worn out. Friday we hosted a large retirement party for the"Vegas Girls" as they both retired from the School District. MeMa made all the food and I played bartender. Prior to the party we both worked until we dropped getting the gardens looking their finest. I am hoping that I have hauled my last load of mulch and gravel, although I am on a first name basis with the lovely young lady that works in the loading office.
We have had some record hot weather to work in so when I did any plantings they had to watered several times a day. A couple of years ago I found a plant tree which was perfect for displaying what was left of my late mothers begonia collection. They are thriving nicely on the front porch were they get the morning light.
Most of the work was done in the back gardens but we started at the front walk weeding and laying mulch until we ended at the very back fence. All the work was done inside and out before the party, MeMa did a wonderful job making all the food even bravely adding two new cold dishes to the fare.
It all turned out fantastic and everyone had a great time regardless of the heat, the last guest leaving at 11:30pm.
MeMa and her Banana Buddy |
Everything decided to bloom early this year, probably the warm spring which will give Oregon a longer growing season. Shame I didn't get more vegetables in the garden it would have brought an amazing harvest.
We now have eight colors of phlox |
I wish they would develop a poppy that would hold it together more than a day |
My historic Zimmerman Hydrangea |
Dahlia 'Lindy' |
Dahlia 'Kasasagi' |
Dahlia 'Boogie Woogie' |
MeMa's kitchen window box |
The "Yuma Garden" is thriving in the heat |
MeMa's Mandevilla vine |
Taeya's school sold plants for a fundraiser and the honey bees love these little drumstick allium |
I harvested my garlic from the lower bed |
Tomato harvest starts with these cherries |
These patty pan's are the only summer squash planted this year |