As the saying goes “When you are served lemons, you make lemonade.” So that’s exactly what we did. Last year the city of Portland notified us that they would be removing a large portion of our front walk and installing a wheelchair ramp. I asked if that was a wise expense since there are driveway approaches on either end. The response was “They are not ADA approved.”
As the work began the first lemon rolled our way....they needed to cut into my neatly trimmed ground cover, “Just a little bit” because the walkway was not wide enough to accommodate large wheelchairs.
That’s not “a little bit”.
They were very apologetic as they removed more and then a little more.
The work was finished but the problem remaining was the portion of the ground cover that was left quickly started dying, not to mention was very unsightly.
So with the help of our son Nathan it was removed.
And we now have lemonade.