Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August coming to an end

The weather here in Oregon has turned to the cool and damp side once again. We have just not had much of a summer this year. But this weather makes working in the gardens a bit more comfortable. Been working on the August to do list.

Did a second light pruning on the large Magnolia in the front drive

Edged the Cotoneaster ground cover that surrounds the front gardens.

Put the last bit of fertilizer on the rose garden and dead headed all my roses as well as the neighbors fifty roses.

Picked the last of the Gravensein apples and tidied the rest of the Espaliered fruit trees.

Cut out all old canes in the Raspberries.

Tidied up in the greenhouse and sprayed for spider mite control.

Took cuttings of pink Camellia (original plant on property) for fall plant trade.

Divided and cut back Bearded Iris (next month do the same with Siberian and Japanese Iris).

Here are some of the roses in bloom
'Queen of Sweden"
"Home Run"

"Betty Boop"



  1. The roses look very nice and you got through a lot of work. I like to make a todo list or I just sort of flit from one job to the next and end up missing the important ones.

  2. Gorgeous flowers. :) I love the cooler weather for yard work.

  3. Hi Rob,
    I keep a monthly Calendar on the computer of all the tasks that need to be done, with details on pruning size of established plants and any bit of information that might prove helpful the next year. It is such a high maintenance bit of landscape that I would forget if I didn't have it in print. A sign of age perhaps?

    Hi Linda,
    Cooler is more refreshing but I still like every bit of sunshine that comes our way.
